Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mabon Full Moon, Giving Thanks for our Harvest.

This year Mabon falls on September 22nd during the full moon phase. This holiday has been called the witches thanksgiving. It is the time of the second harvest and because if falls during the full moon it is especially a time of celebrating fullness. For this ritual we will reflect on our personal harvests. Giving thanks for the seeds you planted earlier in the year that are now barring fruit. Take some time to reflect on what you have accomplished. It could be in your family, your career, your personal or spiritual life. Everyone has something to be thankful for, you just need to look inside.

This ritual can be performed alone or in a group anytime around the 22nd.  You will need a pomegranate, a bowl, and a knife (to cut the pomegranate).

Decorate your altar with fall colors and symbols of the season.

Cast a circle if you wish, sit and center yourself.

Meditate on all that you have to give thanks for, all that you have harvested.

Hold the pomegranate over the bowl and cut it open. Take one seed out hold it up and say out loud one thing you are thankful for and eat the seed. Take another seed, hold it up and say out loud another thing you are thankful for and eat it. Continue giving thanks and eating seeds. When you are done sing this chant By Gladys Gray:

I rejoice in the beauty of the earth

I rejoice in the colours of the earth

I rejoice in all the living things with whom I share this world

I rejoice, I rejoice, I rejoice

When you are ready put your hands to the ground and release any excess energy back to the earth and thank the Goddess, close your circle if you casted one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Moon in Virgo- Begin anew with a clean and blessed home

September 8, 2010 the new moon will be in Virgo.

The wheel is turning; soon Mabon will be upon us. As we get further away from the excitement of the summer solstice and the first harvest our energy is beginning to turn inward. As fall approaches we will be preparing our homes for the cooler weather and start spending more quiet time indoors.  We can take advantage of the up coming new moon in Virgo to prepare our homes for this season. The new moon is the perfect time to start fresh. Virgo likes to have things in order both physically and mentally. If your house is uncluttered your mind will be also. Before performing this spell tidy up your home. You must clean the physical; the spell will clean the energy.

Before you begin center and quiet yourself.

Cleanse your home with sage.
Start in the east and walk around your home clockwise cleansing with the smoke of a sage wand. As you do this imagine all negative energy dispersing and leaving. Be sure to get all corners and closets.

Fill your home with blessings.
Again starting in the east walk around you home clockwise and chant these words. Visually see your home being filled with them.

Fill this home with peace,
Fill this home with love,
Fill this home with harmony,

Change the chat to reflect what you desire.

When you are finished thank the Goddess and enjoy your ‘new’ home.